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0 / 5. 0

Ass VS Hammer



83 min.


Blue Bailey, Carlos Caballero, Aitor Crash, Marcos Salgueiro, Marcos Melos, Big T, JP Hawkes, Tony Thorn, Dolan Wolf, Marius Mugler


Ass VS Hammer, Macho Mayhem Gay Porn — If you’re on a quest for vanilla gay action, you’ll definitely think you’ve come to the wrong place when you see this bunch of horned hunks. The truth is, these guys like their action hot, sweaty, and passionate. And they are not satisfied until every tight, hungry asshole has been worked feverishly over and over again. The packers in this production are no strangers to hard-core hammerwork, thrusting their heavy, manly balls as hard as they can and delivering some of the hottest, sexiest man-to-man action in years. And then there’s the big wave of «cum» that will be featured in this production! Ass VS Hammer.

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