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Daddy’s Boy Whore 21



67 min.


Tomas Salek, Gerasim Spartak, Dom Ully, Max Burda, Radek Ulba, Pavel Sora, Nick Danner, Jerry Kaytton


Daddy’s Boy Whore 21 Bring Me a Boy Gay Porn Movies Free — A father slapping his misbehaving son demonstrates your concern for him and your concern for him beyond simple punishment. And what turns a fine boy into a whore is a boy who knows he has done wrong and wants to atone to his father. Just ask Tom Uley, Jean Gilliam, Nick Danner, Paul Sora, Tom Malone, Jerry Kayton, and Nick Danner. When David discovers beer bottles in Jean’s closet, he places them in his lap, much to Jean’s delight. Maybe he purposefully hid the beer. After discovering Nick lying on Paul’s bed reading an adult male magazine, Paul spanks his son.
There is no need to daydream when the reality is right in front of you. Jerry confronts Tom, who believes he is the owner of the property, after seeing him on camera having sex on the couch. And you can probably guess what these sons all do to make Daddy feel better. They perform these tasks as well as others. Enjoy your Daddy’s Boy Whore 21!

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