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Down South Country Beefcakes



188 min.


Derrick Dime, Brendan Phillips, Bridger Watts, Quentin Gainz, Joey Moriarty, Drake Tyler, Dante Martin, Texas Holcum, Connor Maguire


Down South Country Beefcakes, Next Door Studios Gay HD Porn Free — Head south and experience the kind of southern hospitality that only the coolest, strongest redneck beef can offer! These corn-fed hooligan rednecks know how to play well in the wild and work even harder. Down South Country Beefcakes about life in this village tears these tough lads apart, tough and ready to fight. Wherever you find him, a hard-handed ranch hand will do his job! Dive into five sweaty tales of Conor Maguire, Derrick Dime, Dante Martin, Quentin Gines, Joey Moriarty, Drake Tyler and many more who come down and lead their friends to the hayloft. And when they hit the road, you know the old Southern proverb.» You’re gonna get it all back, you hear me?»

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