Elder Boon: Chapters 1-4
75 min.
President Oaks, Elder Boon, Bishop Davies, Myles Landon
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Elder Boon: Chapters 1-4, Missionary Boyz Gay HD Porn Free — Elder Boon is the main topic of discussion between President Lee and Davis Bishop. They both agree that the fastest way to stir a man’s heart is to open him up to carnal pleasures. The men surround the boy and taste every inch of his silky smooth skin. Elder Boone does not lie, and President Oak is impressed by Boone’s frankness and honesty when he fully participates in the lessons. Surrounded by handsome missionaries, Boone remembers falling in love with his older half-brother. But now, instead of repressing his attraction, he is free to enjoy his desires to the fullest. But Boone had to be reminded that ‘actions have consequences’. Having broken the rules, President Oak had to remind Boone that he was being watched and that he must abide by the Order’s principles.
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