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Guys Only Retreat



120 min.


Josh Hunter, Mickey McKenzie, Vinnie Stefano, Chris Abbot, Myles Landon, Chase Young, Trenton Ducati, Shay Michaels, Brandon Wilde


Guys Only Retreat, Pride Studios Gay HD Porn — Men Only Retreat, presented by Dylan Lucas. Trenton relaxes in the Ducati garden and applies sunscreen. He notices a much younger Chris swimming in the pool in the garden next door. Chris visits his dad’s house every summer, but he has no way of knowing that Trenton loves him and is about to stick his hard penis deep inside this young student’s ass! Will it be summer when it finally happens? Chase is at the cabin with his dad just to relax with the guys for a bit, but instead of going to camp, he decides to be alone. Chase goes to his room to relax in his underwear, but he immediately pulls out his cock and starts stroking it. Guys Only Retreat gay porn free.

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