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Hands On



90 min.


JD Travis, Jack Dyer, Killian Knox, Angel Ventura, Sean Harding, Jay Donahue, Clay Towers, Sean Duran


Hands On, Pride Studios Gay HD Porn Free — Sean Harding is tired from work and has no intention of working out. He shows Jay Donahue a photo of a model and Jay is delighted to find out that the man is naked; Angel Ventura and Killian Knox spend time together at a spa; Killian decides to stay with Angel instead of getting a massage. They start kissing and take off their dressing gowns to reveal each other’s sexy bodies. Clay Towers prepares the massage table for his next client, Sean Durrant. Sean enters the room and is excited to have such a handsome man working on his body today. Looking forward to going to the gym, Hands On wasn’t sure if he deserved a man his age. But when he meets Jack Dyer in the locker room, he realizes he’s picked the perfect place to calm his nerves.

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