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Happy Fuckin Birthday Johnny Rapid



84 min.


Johnny Rapid, Apollo Fates, Jesse Bolton, Jax Thirio, Jackson Cooper


Happy Fuckin Birthday Johnny Rapid NakedSword Staxus Premium Gay Porn Movies Free — «Happy birthday to Johnny Rapid!» Enjoy the hottest raw action as you honor Johnny Rapid’s birthday. In honor of Johnny’s epic bass, award-winning director Edward James invites Johnny and four of his closest pals to a ferocious hunger walk. Jesse Bolton is covered in their load after Jax Tyrio and Jesse Bolton sneak out to their crash pad for a brief fuck. Apollo Faiths, Johnny Rapid’s new friend, goes out with him and fucks his tight ass. Jax Tirio decides to breed his ass after learning how little Apollo Faith’s hole is. Jackson Cooper surprises Johnny Rapid by dropping by to punch a hole in Jackson the evening following the large celebration. Meet the boys and say «Happy Fuckin Birthday» if you’re prepared for the greatest birthday celebration ever.

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