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Hung Twinks



83 min.


Maksym King, Antony Carter, Johnny Polak, Evan Ryker, Nick Danner, Max Trey, David Sky, Joshua Levy


Hung Twinks, BoyFun Gay HD Porn — In Hung Twinks, gorgeous Maksym King wakes up with a hard dick and only one thing on his mind: pumping hot teen cum loads. Then Antony Carter invites him to a lust-filled encounter. Upon seeing his penis, Antony Carter quickly pulls his erect penis out of his pants and prepares to be sucked. Sensual kissing begins, and soon the slim boy Maksym is greedily sucking and slurping his friend’s meat, tasting the juices leaking from the hard erection. Antony’s penis seems to grow even larger in the boy’s mouth, but his penis is not the only one in need of good attention.

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