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Jarod Steel: Manfux Redux



95 min.


Danny Mountain, Louie L’Amour, Sky Soren, Dev Tyler, Wolfie Braden Shaw, Max Ferro, Peyton Chrimata, Jay Taylor, Jack Dixon, Cody Winter etc.


Jarod Steel: Manfux Redux, Treasure Island Media Gay HD Porn – Tough, rugged, fearless and honest. Shamelessly honest, with the new release VINCENT VALENTINE, JAROD STEEL: MANFUX REDUX. And yes, Jarrod Steele is back! He’s a grown man now, but he’s still a sperm addict! Jarod Steele took the world by storm when naked body movies were just starting to proliferate. This sexy, cute twink is hungry for cum and gets a lot of cum when hot young twinks don’t. MANFUX REDUX contains three new Jarod scenes, including a wedding scene with ten major players, and four other new scenes. The cast includes Jameson Ash, Danny Boy, Jordan Shea, Johnny Castro, Peyton Climata, Jesse Clark, Jack Dixon, Max Ferro, Louis Lamour, Riley Landon, Wolfie Braden Shaw, Sky Soren, Jay. Taylor, Dev Tyler and Cody Winter.

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