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5 / 5. 1




81 min.


Markus Kage, Ray Dexter, Otto Samson, Silver Steele, Max Adonis, Grayson Lange, Calvin Banks, Andre Donovan, Chris Harder, Adam Ramzi, Nick Forte, Ricky Roman, Windom Gold, Nico Nova


Journeys HimerosTV Adult Gay Porn New Movies HD Free. Journeys is a visually magnificent sensual film about the ups and downs of gay life. We see a young man named Jason (Calvin Banks) go through. The five stages of grief after losing his lover Alex (Chris Harder). Jason copes with his grief by engaging in a variety of sexual encounters. Ranging from being raped by a stranger in the basement to being consoled by an older daddy. Who helps him construct a new route forward. Otto (Andre Donovan) and Desmond (Adam Ramzi). A loving couple, struggle to communicate while experimenting with an open relationship. Their adventure is as interesting as it is scorching. Taking them from bathhouse glory holes to passionate makeup sex. Follow these homosexual guys on their travels through sex and sexuality, as well as love and sorrow.

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