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Raw on the Couch



87 min.


Diego Canales, Peter Comely, Andrew Lewix, Tomas Decastro, Victor Creed, Martin Dajnar, Erik Spector, Ray Mannix


Raw on the Couch, Cocksure Men Gay HD Porn Free — Couch potatoes have something to learn from 8 Carnations. There’s more to being a couch potato than watching TV and eating chips! For example, hot athlete Andrew Lewicks without a condom with muscular Eric Spector. Young blonde Peter Comley fucks bearded Martin Dinar hard. Ripped Diego Canales teaches young Ray Mannix how to fuck without protection. Victor Creed gets hard with handsome Thomas DeCastro. Pop in this DVD, lay back on the couch and enjoy the raw, condom-free action.

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