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So Hard It Hurts



80 min.


Guillaume Wayne, Josh Milk, Riley Tess, Ben Statham, Antonio Garcia, Woody Fox, Danny Starr, Nathan Hope, Michael Madison, Guillaume


So Hard It Hurts, Macho Guys Gay Porn HD Free — Whether it’s licking the boss’s ass for a promotion or taking a long lunch break to enjoy the fruits of their labor (and cock), these guys get fucked «painfully hard.» But some have a higher threshold of pain and need to experience multiple hard cocks to get the same amount of pleasure; five guys don’t mind waiting their turn to happily shove their hard cocks down a slut’s open throat while another pet pig slams his So Hard It Hurts throbbing meatball into his tight, hot hole. The lower half of his hole is pushed to its limits, but the aggressive upper half makes all the suffering worth it with an explosive orgasm that seems to reward him for his suffering!

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