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Young Buck: A-List



126 min.


Romero Santos, Rico, Young Buck


Young Buck: A-List, DawgPound USA Gay porn — This is a new, unreleased DVD. The ultra-sexy Dawg Pound exclusive, stars in all the action scenes on this DVD, performing flip-flops! Lock the door! Slurp on thick, hard bones, munch on sweet, bubbly asses, and bang deep in tight, juicy holes. These brothers are versatile workhorses. This brute is fit, handsome, and ready to «drop-trough» and get his perfect, fuckable booty rammed. Young Buck has a muscular ass. When it comes to getting dicked and giving dicks, he’s got some serious game; just ask Dreyonn, Rico, Hedz and Philly. These brothers love to fuck. It’s like a party, lick ’em, suck ’em. Eat, kiss, fuck…Dawgpound has what you want 24/7 (and they’ve got leap year covered, lol).

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