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0 / 5. 0

Poppa Bear



85 min.


Mathieu Angel, Kurt Jacobs, Graydon Emory Ford, Bearsilien, Martin PE, Rex Blue, Jeremy Feist, Luis Vega


Poppa Bear, Bear Films Gay porn – Men of a certain age – men we call daddies – are hard to come by. Especially men like Martin Pée, Kurt Jacobs, Bea Sirien, and Graydon Emory Ford. They are savory, well-seasoned, and have more than enough experience to teach Mathieu Angell, Rex Blue, Jeremy Feist, and Luis Vega something. These papayas know how to give and receive raw fucks. Papa, Papi, Poppa. No matter what you call it, nothing beats sex with a man who comes hard while screaming Poppa Bear!

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