West Texas Park & Ride
140 min.
Luke Adams, Matthew Bosch, Jeremy Spreadums, Tex Davidson, Jason Vario, Dakota Rivers
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West Texas Park & Ride, TitanMen Gay HD Porn — TitanMen — special Matthew Bosch is heading out of Fort Worth, but what adventures await under the scorching Texas sun? And what hidden opportunities are on offer at the West Texas Park & Ride? Director Joe Gage slowly unravels the intrigue in his masterpiece about the darkness of small-town America. Matthew Bosch gets information from his con man friend Dakota Rivers, but gets something else from a senior agent. Security expert Luke Adams asks his boss Tex Davidson so many questions that the businessman keeps his mouth shut before handing him over. Caught in a dangerous position by Officer Jeremy Spredams, blue-collar Jason Vario manages to find a way out of a difficult situation. Undercover officers Matthew Bosch and Jason Vario are ready to handcuff criminal Luke Adams. He will do anything to get soft treatment from the long arm of the law.
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