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0 / 5. 0

Yang Gayng



78 min.


Daniel Hausser, Jake Perez, Ray Dexter, Jessie Lee


Yang Gayng, Peter Fever Gay HD Porn — Peter Fever has released the gay political porn parody Yang Gayng, filmed in Washington, D.C. and modeled on Asian presidential candidate Andrew Young. Starring Ray Dexter as Andrew Young, Jesse Lee, Daniel Hauser and Jake Perez, with cameo appearances by characters like «Major Pete Butichek» and «Beat Off Opork,» this hilarious film is a fun way to watch a movie about politics while delivering a positive message. The story follows Ian, a fictional character with presidential ambitions, as he meets sex trainee Daniel Lewinsky (Daniel Hauser), Chinese investor China Gold II (Jesse Lee), ‘top tough guy’ Ian Jake… The film focuses on ‘gin’ like. Perez who did everything he could to win. Of course, the Peter Fever mode is full of XXX action erotica.

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