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Secret Agent



59 min.


Paddy O’Brian, Logan Rogue, Tomas Brand, Troy Daniels


Secret Agent Gay HD New Porn Movies Free — Tomas Brand, the villain, turns on the light in his penthouse apartment to discover Secret Agent Paddy O’Brian standing there with a loaded gun. As Tomas’ bubble butt is being taught the definition of the phrase «busted,» attention immediately shifts to the other loaded in the room: Paddy. Paddy O’Brian wakes up in the trunk of a car with Troy Daniel waving a gun in his face after fucking the Brand in the opening scene and realizing he’s been drugged. A little while later, the next bad man is being fucked by Paddy’s enormous cock. The third scenario follows the same pattern as the first two, with Paddy O’Brian eluding capture and killing the evil guys! This time, Logan Rouge stoops to let Paddy’s enormous cock to rim and fuck her.

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